Educational research is clear that music education enhances cognitive development and results in improved performance in other school subjects such as mathematics, language arts, and other subject areas.Lakecrest delivers an enriched Music Program designed to challenge a highly able student body which has a higher than average number who take private music lessons outside the school. The time dedicated to Music instruction exceeds the percentage prescribed by the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education.Lakecrest offers instruction in both choral and instrumental music. A Lakecrest School Orchestra and Sectional Groups for beginners provides a wide variety of instrumental learning opportunities for students. Choirs include Kindergarten, Grades One to Three, Grades Four to Six, and Grades Four to Nine chamber groups. The orchestra conductor and sectional instructors bring with them many years of professional experience in instrumental instruction and orchestra development. Almost all of the instructors and the orchestra director have are associated with either the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra and /or the Newfoundland Youth Symphony Orchestra.Lakecrest orchestra and sectional concerts, as well as collaborations with the Lakecrest Chamber Choir, are ongoing activities during each school year.
The Fine Arts program at Lakecrest contributes to the development of the whole child.
An integral part of the program includes expanding the children’s knowledge and appreciation of Fine Arts. Students will participate in activities such as creating, performing, listening, viewing and critiquing. Students will share the experiences of local and visiting artists through attendance at performances, exhibitions or workshops. The Fine Arts program is an ideal opportunity to enrich each child’s ability to recognize the life-long pleasures to be gained from the arts.